
If you didn't get it from a pharmacy,
it probably has Fentanyl in it.

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What is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a powerful opioid drug. It’s like Heroin, but 50-100 times stronger.

Fentanyl is cheap, easy to make, and has been replacing Heroin in illegal drug markets.

What’s the problem?

Fentanyl overdoses are the leading cause of death for people 18-45 years old.

Overdoses are increasing because Fentanyl is being mixed with Heroin and lots of other drugs.

It is now common to find Fentanyl in Cocaine, Crack, and Meth.

It only takes a little Fentanyl to stop your heart and breathing, then you die.

What about pills?

Fake pills are easy to make, and you can’t tell which are real and which are fake.

If you don’t get your drugs from a pharmacy there’s a good chance they are fake and have Fentanyl in them.

Fentanyl mixed into Adderall, Percocet, Oxycodone, Xanax, and Ecstasy (Molly) are causing deadly overdoses every day.

But I don’t use drugs.

Fentanyl is a problem that is affecting everyone. Someone you know, a friend or relative, could be at risk.

We all have a part in this.

It starts with making sure everyone is educated.

Crystal meth

Get Narcan

If you use opioids or any drug that might have fentanyl in it, you can get a drug called Narcan (Naloxone) that reverses opioid overdoses. Narcan comes as a nasal spray and is easy to use.

If you have a friend or family member who uses drugs you should keep Narcan around in case of an overdose. You can save a life with Narcan!

Click here to get free Narcan.

Don’t use alone

Most people having an overdose can be saved. If you use drugs alone, there won’t be anybody to help you. When you use drugs make sure there are other people around.

If anything goes wrong, call 911 right away and stay with the person till help arrives.

Test your drugs

There are ways to test your drugs before using them. Testing involves taking a small sample of a pill or powder, mixing it with some water and putting it on a paper testing strip. The result tells you if there is fentanyl in the drug.

Click here to get free test strips.

Crystal meth

Crack Rocks
Crystal meth

Narcan and Fentanyl Test Strips

You can get Narcan and Fentanyl Test Strips in person or through the mail.

Hamilton County Public Health

Safe Services (Harm Reduction Program)

Supplies available at the Harm Reduction Van, Exchange Sites, and the Public Health Clinic (by appointment).

To order free Narcan by mail click here or text NARCAN to 22999.

Other resources

Next Distro
Free Narcan and Fentanyl Test Strips in Ohio.

Dance Safe
Drug information and test kits.

Board of Pharmacy
Find pharmacies where Narcan is available without a prescription. Use insurance or pay cash.
Help finding local drug treatment services.

Fentanyl Drug Facts
More information about Fentanyl


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